Common failures of the cable lug crimping machine
 Aug 23, 2022|View:176

A cable Lug crimping machineis suitable for all kinds of enterprises. It is one of the important equipment to save the labor force and reduce production costs. Cable Lug crimping machinein the use of the inevitable occurrence of some failures, we aimed at the simple failure of the corresponding collation of solutions.

1. the terminal machine clutch is not positioned, and the motor can not start sticking. Possible improper operation and poor tooling.

Solution: exclude the manual operation of the slider, will open the handle into the spindle, and turn to open the hand will be put into the board.

2. motor, pulley normal operation machine can not operate.

Solution: Bad Terminal Machine Electromagnet, new. Cable Lug crimping machineelectrical circuit board failure, replacement. The terminal machine foot switch is not good, new.

cable lug crimping machine

3. The terminal is not working or there is a series of calls.

Solution: More for the frequency converter failure or change a new pedal, even playing the case may be due to the induction block is not sensitive or induction caused by a longer distance.

4. The die is stuck and can not slide up and down

Solution: turn the belt pulley by hand, make the spindle drive the slide to drive the punch, see up and down riveting, whether the collision is fully automatic, cable lug crimping machinecommon trouble-shooting method scrape terminal machine stuck on the knife.

The above is the cable lug crimping machine's common faults and solutions, if you have other problems, please feel free to contact us.

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